Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 5 of Summer

Today was about as fun as yesterday. Slept until about 11, facebooked, read, blah blah. Then went to a pizza party for the end of Annika's basketball season. That was pretty fun. Came home and went "eeehhh what do I take a picture of??". It's proving to be quite chalenging on these days where we don't really do much. Luckily there are a few fun things coming up (Dance party tomorrow, Eclipse on the 30th!! Whoo!).

Anyway, Annika and I decided to put on our polka-doted swimsuits and take pictures :P


  1. Love the swimsuits! I adore this picture of the two of you.

  2. Thank you Erin! And thanks for following me :)

  3. You two are so pretty and photogenic!

  4. Of course! Wouldn't miss it! :-)

  5. I love your swimsuits! Omg I'm jealous :P and you two are so pretty, btw
