I am tired, and lazy, and having the emotional equivalent of a bad head cold, but I did manage to paint something that I really like. It's not done yet, but here's a preview.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Day 71 of Summer
I am tired, and lazy, and having the emotional equivalent of a bad head cold, but I did manage to paint something that I really like. It's not done yet, but here's a preview.
Day 70 of Summer
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Day 69 of Summer
Saturday, I had a THIRD sleepover in a row, with some friends in tents in one of their backyards. It was super fun, of course, but I was reeeally tired after wards.
As you probably noticed, I spaced on a picture AGAIN. This project has been hard lately...maybe I'll try something after this is over, with just blogging and no pictures. Then I might have more energy for longer, more thoughtful, expressive (aka whiny) blog posts.
As you probably noticed, I spaced on a picture AGAIN. This project has been hard lately...maybe I'll try something after this is over, with just blogging and no pictures. Then I might have more energy for longer, more thoughtful, expressive (aka whiny) blog posts.
Day 68 of Summer
Day 67 of Summer
Day 66 of Summer
I'm SO behind!
Wednesday was our hangout day, which was awesome as always. We walked to the park in my giant hula hoop again. I really don't know why we do it. It's really uncomfortable, but it's strangely fun, and everyone does it for some reason.
Then I slept over at Truman's house, where stayed up until 1ish "divining" with every method we could think of. Oujia board, tarot, apples to apples, pendulum, paper fortune tellers, drawing names out of hats, etc. Fun fun.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Day 65 of Summer
Day 64 of Summer
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Day 63 of Summer
Day 62 of Summer
Day 61 of Summer
Day 60 of Summer
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Day 59 of Summer
Umm, hey guys. Sorry about this, but I completely spaced on taking my picture yesterday. I thought about it, and I kept reminding myself to do it, and then probably around 3 am last night I woke up and thought "Ahhh I didn't take a picture!!"
Just to have SOMETHING to upload, here is a picture that Ewan actually took of himself, with Annika's camera. He did a pretty good job!
Day 58 of Summer
Monday, August 16, 2010
Day 57 of Summer
Day 56 of Summer
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Day 55 of Summer
Friday, August 13, 2010
Day 54 of Summer
Day 53 of Summer
Yesterday was good. Went to my Grandma's in the afternoon while my Mom and Ewan were at a doctors appointment, then went to shopping and got a dress to wear to my 16th birthday party on Saturday!! I am so excited :D I wanted to take a better picture, but got lazy, so he's a weird one of me trying to contort my whole body into one shot.
Day 51 of Summer
I am behind :/
Tuesday was good, went to the park and hung out with friends. Tire swings, picking locks, and being our crazy selves = awesome.
Then Sofia slept over and we made brownies (Well, she did all the work), watched part of West Side Story, made paper fortune tellers, danced, and generally had fun.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Day 50 of Summer

Are we seriously on say 50?? Wow.
Today was (you guessed it) lazy. Talked to friends on the phone and facebook. Isn't it great to live in a time when we're so connected with our friends, no matter if we're sitting in our pajamas at home or whatever??
Here's a picture of my conversation with Ashley, which if you can't tell reads :
Ash: Whats up?
Me: Not much lol
Me: Don't know what the heck to take a picture of today
Ash: Your computer. And be like "Today I computed"
Me: LOL I was actually considering doing that
She proceeded to dare me to do it, so here we are. Whoo, I don't have to actually come up with anything creative today! (Sorry guys, tomorrow will hopefully be better).
Day 49 of Summer
Sunday, August 8, 2010
day 48 of Summer
Friday, August 6, 2010
Day 47 of Summer
Day 46 of Summer
Yesterday was good. Lazy morning and afternoon, then went for a drive downtown with my Mom and got Burgerville for dinner. Then came home and watched Remember Me and ate popcorn.
I love taking pictures downtown Portland! I just wish I had more opportunities to take them while walking instead of driving :/
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Day 45 of Summer
Day 44 of Summer
Yesterday was a recovery day. I caught up on facebook and what my friends are up to, talked to Sofia for a while, slept. I've been re-reading Deathly Hallows, as I want to be ready for the movie in November. The 7th book is the only one that I haven't read cover to cover since it came out. I don't really know why. I guess when the others came out, I would read them over and over, trying to not only fill the gaps between books but also to pick up on clues and develop theories. After DH I didn't need to do that anymore. But it's nice to be reading it again. It reminds me that with all the reading I do, no matter how much I like a book, I have never felt as connected to a story or a set of characters as I do/did with Harry Potter. I love it.
*nerd rant over*
Day 43 of Summer
Day 42 of Summer

Sunday was great! Our friends came up to visit us on the way back from a separate vacation of theirs. It worked out perfectly. We swam a lot, and then Sofia taught me how to canoe, which I absolutely loved! We rowed all over the lake and had a lot of fun. Then we came back and had dinner, and when it was dark we walked back down to the doc to see the stars. Absolutely amazing. I don't remember ever seeing the sky like this before, and it was awesome. It was so dark and we could see SO many stars, including some shooting ones. I wish my Camera was high-tech enough to have captured that, but alas. It was a wonderful day.
Day 41 of Summer
Day 40 of Summer
Day 39 of Summer
Day 38 of Summer
Day 37 of Summer

Tuesday we had family come out to our cabin, had a nice barbecue/potluck, and then went down to the lake that evening. It was starting to rain, so we debating going back to the cabin but my dad thought it wouldn't last long, so we waited it out in the car. There was thunder and massive hail that was awesome but only lasted about 5 minutes. After wards we got out and went swimming, and there was this amazing fog/mist all over the lake. Very cool!
Day 36 of Summer
Day 35 of Summer
Okay, time to stop slacking. Here you go, starting with Sunday, a weeks worth of vacation pics.
Sunday was spent driving, driving, shopping, visiting family, driving, driving, and then sleeping. Here's a picture I got of the sunset while my Mom was in Shop-N-Cart. For some reason that was always one of my favorite things to see when I was little and we lived there--The sun set near Shop-N-Cart. Haha, weird, but there you go.
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