Are we seriously on say 50?? Wow.
Today was (you guessed it) lazy. Talked to friends on the phone and facebook. Isn't it great to live in a time when we're so connected with our friends, no matter if we're sitting in our pajamas at home or whatever??
Here's a picture of my conversation with Ashley, which if you can't tell reads :
Ash: Whats up?
Me: Not much lol
Me: Don't know what the heck to take a picture of today
Ash: Your computer. And be like "Today I computed"
Me: LOL I was actually considering doing that
She proceeded to dare me to do it, so here we are. Whoo, I don't have to actually come up with anything creative today! (Sorry guys, tomorrow will hopefully be better).
I feel all honored and stuff to be a part of the 50th blog post.